Monday, October 16, 2017

Clever Fellow? Guardian’s Donald Macintyre waves Hamas flag by sneakily quoting from his own book - by Richard Millett

...If Macintyre’s book is true to form like these recent articles of his for the Guardian then it will be yet another dark day for academia if this book makes it to University library shelves.

UK Media Watch..
Guest Post..
15 October '17..

Richard Millett, London.

It seems the Guardian is resorting to favouriting its own journalism. Maybe there aren’t many objective commentators who will do it for them?

First, it endorses its own anti-Israel play My Name is Rachel Corrie. Now Donald Macintyre is heavily plugging his own forthcoming book in the Guardian. In this latest article by him, in which he is waving the flag of Hamas (metaphorically speaking), he quotes sources from his own book without telling us he’s the book’s author.

This latest anti-Israel activism journalism centres on how he thinks everything for Gazans could have been so much better if only Hamas had been treated with more respect. In one hilarious comment (hilarious if only it wasn’t so tragic) Macintyre quotes from Whitehall documents of 2006 which stated that instead of ostracising Hamas after their election win in 2005:

“ultimately Hamas’s participation in the realities of political responsibility might bring about Hamas’s transformation to a political rather than terrorist organisation”.

Hamas’ desire to give up their ultimate goal of destroying the only Jewish state and in the meantime killing as many Jews as possible (all explicitly stated in their own words in their 1988 Charter) is as likely as Islamic State dropping their desire for a caliphate and donning tweed suits instead.

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